Preschool Homeschool

Preschool is a wonderful age because these young children are just starting to learn school basics and are full of natural curiosity. They want to learn how to do things on their own, which is…

Studying art is something homeschoolers may find difficult. After all, an art study requires supplies, resources, and creativity. If you are a budget homeschooler or you don’t feel artistic,…

If you are interested in homeschooling your children, perhaps the question has crossed your mind regarding whether your children will be old enough to start.  After all, does the typical age…

Remember how you felt when you first started homeschooling? You knew the school systems weren’t working for you, yet you decided to take the plunge and homeschool. When you did, you discovered…

  Handpicked Summer Homeschooling Resources!         Summer and homeschooling – there are so many options. As many options as there are…

What About Socialization? Sign Me Up! for this e-zine Send to a Friend If only homeschoolers had a nickel for every time they…

It's important that we teach our children practical life skills--skills that teach them how to survive in society--how to thrive in society. These practical life skills can be divided into at…

Better Late than Early An Excerpt from: Homeschooling for Success How Parents can Create a Superior Education for their Child Also Read: Who Wants To Be a Reader? For…