Elementary Homeschool

/**/ Learning preferences can be a key to unlocking your child's motivation to learn. Though many debate over the validity of using a specific learning modality, tailoring a child's education…

"Which Homeschool Curriculum is Best?" Are all homeschool programs equal to one another? Absolutely not! In most cases, they do all cover the same concepts. But, the order in which they do…

"Gathering Up the Courage to Homeschool" Are you scared to death to start homeschooling your children? For many first-time homeschoolers and even future homeschoolers, the idea of being…

"I Don’t Have Time to Homeschool..." Time is one thing that never seems to be on our side. Regardless of the situation, you’re in, it always seems as if time is a commodity we can’t…

Looking for innovative ideas for summer homeschool? Just because the season has changed, it doesn’t mean you throw out all routine! People - especially children - thrive with routine and knowing…

Just like no two kids are alike, every homeschool family will be different. If you are choosing to homeschool overseas, you'll find some interesting aspects you'll want to address. Whatever…

Using Mnemonics to Improve Memory Why does our memory not always work?  We asked that question of Jim Sarris, a veteran teacher and author of two books on memory strategies: Comic Mnemonics…

The answer to this question is a resounding yes! Not only can you homeschool a teen with special needs, but it's also likely the best thing you can do for your student. Teachers in an institutionalized…

"High School Graduation Party Do's and Don'ts" No one ever wants to be known as "that parent." That's totally uncool and would embarrass your teen no doubt. So where do you…

If you've decided to make the move toward homeschooling your teen, that's fantastic! We want to see you succeed in this goal, so we've put together some quick tips from parents of children…