Elementary Homeschool

As homeschoolers, we are all about DIYS!  What better DIY than your own homeschool poetry unit study? The month of April is National Poetry Month, and it only seems fitting to put together a…

Indeed, it's vital to be intentional about all of history since African American history is simply American history. However, most texts, though well-meaning, don't exhaust this rich subject.…

You may be wondering how to switch from public school to homeschool... if that's the case, let us help!  Many parents make this choice for starting homeschool mid-year, often during the winter…

Free Online Learning Activities for Kids! Learning from home is a unique opportunity to take your child’s education and shape it specifically to their own specific needs. The amazing thing…

The holidays are swiftly approaching. Of course there is much cause for excitement and celebration around this time of year, however, juggling all the holiday things and homeschooling can be…

We hope you'll use these awards as you plan your new homeschooling year! Discover the most popular homeschool curriculum among our community in 2023! Discover new homeschooling curriculum …

It's Back to Homeschool time!  Obviously, we know it can feel like it's hitting all at once. This is especially true for new homeschoolers. Undoubtedly, there is so much to work through and…

How do I get started homeschooling? What are the benefits of homeschooling? How does homeschooling work? Homeschooling can be accomplished in many ways. Ways such as online courses, textbooks,…

Of course, one of the biggest concerns parents have about homeschooling is the state homeschool requirements - a.k.a. homeschool laws. In fact, the questions are many. Especially including: What…

Do you have a little one who loves sharks? This unit study is for you! July is the home of the ever-popular Shark Week, so we thought this would be a great time to deliver this exciting study…