Elementary Homeschool

Recently, we asked our homeschool community which subject they would teach if they could only choose one. We’d anticipated preferences for math or history, but the overwhelming response was…

Ready to teach your homeschooling students organizational skills? Giving them their own planner is the perfect way to do just that! When mine were little, teaching them independent learning…

Homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be an exercise in agility. As a working mom (with a working spouse), the initial odds of homeschooling my 2nd-grade daughter and preschooler…

   I am Sarah, a second-generation homeschool mom, hailing from the great peach state of the south, Georgia. We have been blessed with four amazing, busy, and creative children ....from 2…

Our family recently decided to become homeschoolers and while we have a mixture of emotions most important is our excitement to be creating our own journey.  The past 8 years our children have…

Have you ever wondered if your child is meeting learning milestones for their age or grade level? It can be reassuring and helpful to have a general idea of these learning milestones as you finalize…

If you're concerned about summer learning slide, then you want to download our brand new Summer Survival Free Homeschool Course. Our team of homeschool mamas has collaborated to make this an…

Our attitude can make or break our homeschooling day... This is why Homeschool.com is sharing a free download of both the Joyful Homeschooling Book and the Joyful Homeschooling Journal with…

Mother’s Day is a precious time to celebrate the love mothers have given. Mothers are the lifeblood of our society. Often without acknowledgment, they sacrifice time, efforts, sleep, comfort…

Faith-Based Resource As parents, passing on good character to our children is a priority.  Even before starting a family, many of us recognize the benefits of encouraging traits of good character,…