Middle & High School

Check back on July 31st for the full Back to Homeschool Curriculum Awards Reveal!

Computer science is an ever-growing employment field and one that we would do well to help our children learn. However, as with anything positive there is always a negative. Keeping our children…

Has your kiddo always been interested in computers?  Do they enjoy tinkering with their devices or seem to fix technology issues before you even understand the problem?  Bless this generation;…

As parents, an ever-present concern is keeping children safe and sound.  Without exception, one of a parent’s biggest fears is the possibility of their child getting hurt.  When a mother…

The Importance of Foreign Language Learning Communication is what brings us together as humans. Understanding and communicating with each other creates the opportunity for connection and community.…

For years the American view of mathematics has been that it is a subject for the select few. Many teachers had low expectations for their classes with a preconceived idea that most of the class…

Teaching math can leave most of us feeling drained and depressed - - if we even get that far! As homeschooling parents, how are we supposed to teach math if it gives us anxiety just thinking…

  Annual testing is mandatory in public and private schools, but it isn’t required (in most states) for homeschoolers. Since it’s optional for most, you may be wondering about the…

DECEMBER 18, 2018

Give yourself a Checkup!

Give yourself a Checkup! For many, the holiday season marks the midpoint of the homeschool year. It’s also the perfect time to evaluate your homeschool efforts.  And even though holiday shopping,…