Middle & High School

Exploring Teen's Strengths, Weaknesses, and Their Personalities is the Foundation Homeschool.com presents Career Explorations, a four-week unit study course specifically for homeschooled high…

Homeschool Volunteer Hours are Important Are you homeschooling a high schooler who would like to become more involved in their community? Not only does volunteering serve to benefit both community…

What is a High School Grade Point Average? First off, what exactly is meant by a “grade point average”? A GPA is a standard way used to measure academic achievement in the United States.…

  There are many types of homeschool schedules. Creating an effective homeschool schedule is about examining what works for your family’s existing lifestyle. A good homeschool schedule…

It’s one thing to settle on a homeschool curriculum, complete your purchases, and schedule out your year. It’s another thing entirely when it comes down to teaching your kids. If you don’t…

SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

Unschooling High School

Alison McKee began unschooling her two children over twenty years ago and from their family’s experiences wrote the book “From Homeschool to College and Work: Turning Your Homeschooled Experiences…

Are you running into some big homeschooling challenges? Are you searching for help from someone who has been there? Homeschooling is a great solution for many families, but it isn't without its…

Free eBook download below. But first... Even though you could’ve sworn you just started homeschooling yesterday, you now have a high schooler on your hands. Every homeschooling parent dreams…

While homeschoolers are not bound by the graduation requirements of their home state, many still want to be able to compare their credits and coursework with the guidelines of their state department…

One of the most wonderful opportunities for many high-schooled homeschoolers is the chance to take one or more college courses while they are still in high school. Not only can it be a venue…