Homeschool Encouragement

As working adults, most of us would agree that we are more likely to feel motivated to do our jobs well when our successful efforts are accompanied by positive reinforcement. After all, positive…

One of all homeschool parents' daunting tasks is teaching their children to read. There are effective methods to use for teaching reading strategies and engaging your reluctant readers to help…

February is a difficult month. It’s smack dab in the middle of the year, cold, dark, and far from the excitement of the beginning or end of the semester. Homeschool burnout is most common in…

Taking time to review or assess your homeschool every six months is a great way to keep away "homeschool blindness!" You know - that inability to "sniff out" what is really going on in your homeschool!…

Have you ever thought about your homeschooling successes and failures? Have you taken the time to "grade" yourself? Then you've assessed your homeschool! But is it time to do it again? Click…

January is the perfect time to take inventory of your homeschool year so far.  Whether your family is transitioning from public school to homeschooling, or you are simply beginning a new homeschool…

  We've all been there as parents... slightly exasperated at our child's loss of all manners. Don't sweat it - - and don't be embarrassed!  They could just be shy and feel too awkward…

Tensions can run high during the holidays.  Between cooking fabulous meals, baking holiday treats, booking tickets, scheduling grocery shopping, visiting with relatives, and -- oh right, HOMESCHOOLING…

The Stress-Free Thanksgiving Issue Want the holidays to be full of precious memories and absent of stress? We're pretty sure you're shouting a resounding, yes! (We are!) We all love the holidays,…

Throughout history, women have been a strong and guiding influence over politics, science, mathematics, and even adventure and discovery. These women were strong and courageous, yet selfless…