Homeschool Science Inspiration

Are you struggling with science this year? I have been there! Granted there are those amazing few homeschool parents that really rock the science world, but most of us are genuinely struggling to find resources and curriculum that give our children the education they require. In fact, many homeschoolers have found that delight directed learning, and the use of living books make a huge difference! We’ve dedicated this month’s newsletter to delight directed learning and helping you know how to homeschool science with living books! For many, this may translate to a Charlotte Mason inspired homeschooling method, but if that method doesn’t completely fit your family borrowing some great things from that style might make a huge difference for you now!


How to Teach Science Using Living Books

A classic but fun option is to teach a subject of your choosing through living books. We love this idea specifically for teaching science -- a subject that can easily feel dry, boring, or complicated. 

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Tips for Delight Directed Science Learning

Delight-directed learning, as the name implies, focuses on increasing enjoyment of the subject wherever possible.  It is also heavily project-based, which adds to the enjoyment for many students.

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