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Homeschooling Articles

FEBRUARY 19, 2022
7 Ways to Combat Homeschool Burnout

Burnout is undeniably a growing concern among homeschool parents. The unrelenting prolonged stress of managing so many responsibilities can begin to negatively affect lives. One thing that…

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FEBRUARY 15, 2022
Summer Slide: Goals That Ignite

Indeed, we subtly send our kids the message that learning is something unpleasant we get to “escape from” in the summer. Especially when we create artificial divisions between school…

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FEBRUARY 15, 2022
FAQ: Special Needs

Jean Munroe Lanman has over thirty years of experience with "special needs students". She holds several teaching credentials and is a Learning Disability Specialist. Jean has an extensive background…

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FEBRUARY 15, 2022
Encouragement For Special Needs Families

Homeschooling a child with special needs takes a great deal of patience and determination. But most of all - love. Parents of children with special needs are needed constantly, and even in the…

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FEBRUARY 13, 2022
Homeschool Christian Resources

For many Christians, homeschooling is an active extension of their faith and belief. Within the homeschool culture, homeschool Christian resources abound. As a result, the problem is finding…

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FEBRUARY 2, 2022
Share Literature With Your Teenager

Why is the study of high school literature so important? Of course, we want our children to be well read, and hopefully to enjoy reading in general. But at the high school level, perhaps…

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JANUARY 22, 2022
Free Full-Year Journal Homeschool Printable

Faith-Based Resource If you're looking for ways to get your students writing a bit more during this year, consider journaling! Our journal download can be used for a faith-based exercise each…

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JANUARY 5, 2022
Homeschool High School Bible

Many homeschoolers believe that having a daily Bible lesson is an essential aspect of educating the whole person. Though Bible isn’t a requirement, Christian homeschoolers feel its importance…

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DECEMBER 5, 2021
Digital Homeschool Organization Complete Kit

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to tame the paper tiger of record-keeping in your homeschool look no further! Digital Homeschool Organization is here. Indeed, our new digital homeschool…

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NOVEMBER 13, 2021
Is It Too Late to Change Homeschool Curriculum?

After a long, hard fall, you're likely looking forward to embracing a season where you can calmly homeschool. The New Year is a time for growth and rejuvenation. In some cases, it's also…

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