You can dig deep and find information on how to homeschool, free tools to accomplish it, and inspiration to keep at it!

Homeschooling Articles

APRIL 12, 2021
Homeschooling and Autism

Autism Awareness Month As is the case with any child, a decision to homeschool is a big deal. Not surprisingly, homeschooling requires preparation and planning before you start in order…

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MARCH 20, 2021
Guide to Year-Round Homeschooling

Homeschooling year-round is a creative alternative to the traditional schedule. In fact, there are many benefits to adapting a year-round schedule to your homeschool. The more frequent breaks…

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MARCH 15, 2021
How to Homeschool Using a Unit Study

Wondering how to teach with a homeschool unit study? We're here to help answer your questions! What is a Homeschool Unit Study? A unit of study focuses on one central theme, e.g. insects. …

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MARCH 3, 2021
How to Motivate Your Student to Study Math

"Math," (Yikes!)... For some of us, this simple word sends a shiver up our spine as those long-ago tormented years in math classes come back in a wave of consciousness so strong we can still…

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MARCH 1, 2021
Starting To Homeschool High School?

Are you ready for a big adventure? We hope so - because the next four years can be the best years of your teen's life. But, we do suggest that you start now to make your plan. There are a lot…

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FEBRUARY 3, 2021
How to Homeschool High School Health and P.E.

Welcome to our all-in-one resource for teaching health and physical education. Another wonderful aspect of homeschooling is the fact that Health and P.E. (among other supposedly “less important”…

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FEBRUARY 3, 2021
How to Homeschool Foreign Language

Welcome to our all-in-one resource for teaching your homeschooler a foreign language! I think all of us can agree that it really pays to be bilingual, however, foreign language study is surely…

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FEBRUARY 3, 2021
How to Homeschool High School Science

For years, we’ve been doing science, taking walks, examining leaves, dissecting flowers, raising butterflies… all of it intensely fun. Yet now, those fun science lessons are morphing into…

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FEBRUARY 3, 2021
How to Homeschool High School Math

Wondering what your high schooler needs for math? For the average homeschooling parent, teaching high school can be a bit intimidating. Mention homeschooling the high school maths like Algebra,…

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FEBRUARY 1, 2021
How to Homeschool Your Preschooler

Preschool is a wonderful age because these young children are just starting to learn school basics and are full of natural curiosity. They want to learn how to do things on their own, which is…

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