You can dig deep and find information on how to homeschool, free tools to accomplish it, and inspiration to keep at it!

Homeschooling Articles

JUNE 2, 2020
Guide to Homeschool Portfolio Assessment

Have you been wondering about the best way to keep your homeschool on track and your students motivated? There are many homeschool organizational tools for lesson planning that can help you stay…

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MAY 22, 2020
Memorial Day: Facts, History, and More!

Is Memorial Day just another patriotic holiday? Every year in the United States, Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May. One of the first Memorial Day celebrations dates back to 1866…

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MAY 20, 2020
Newsletter 42: End of the Year Homeschool Checklists!

All good things must come to an end... and that's true for our homeschool year! If you're like me, you're trying to wrap up the few last weeks of school, gather up all your records, get final…

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MAY 19, 2020
Learning Milestones Checklist

Have you ever wondered if your child is meeting learning milestones for their age or grade level? It can be reassuring and helpful to have a general idea of these learning milestones as you finalize…

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MAY 15, 2020
Yes, You Can Homeschool!

Do the weeks left of the homeschool year seem to span endlessly before you? Have you felt increasingly like you are merely trudging through the day, even perhaps feeling too tired to homeschool?…

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MAY 14, 2020
Celebrate Your Homeschool Graduate!

Join us as we celebrate all the homeschooling graduates that aren't able to have their big celebration day this year! It's been a difficult time and we understand that for many seniors, typical…

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MAY 8, 2020
Summer Survival Free Homeschool Course

If you're concerned about summer learning slide, then you want to download our brand new Summer Survival Free Homeschool Course. Our team of homeschool mamas has collaborated to make this an…

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MAY 5, 2020
Guide to Homeschool Graduation!

You don’t know how it happened, but you blinked and you now have a high schooler standing before you. You take a moment to appreciate how they’ve nearly become an adult and your mind mentally…

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MAY 1, 2020
Free Joyful Homeschooling Book and Journal!

Our attitude can make or break our homeschooling day... This is why is sharing a free download of both the Joyful Homeschooling Book and the Joyful Homeschooling Journal with…

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MAY 1, 2020
Mother’s Day Ideas and Printables for Kids!

Mother’s Day is a precious time to celebrate the love mothers have given. Mothers are the lifeblood of our society. Often without acknowledgment, they sacrifice time, efforts, sleep, comfort…

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