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Homeschooling Articles

JANUARY 28, 2020
Issue 38: Reviewing Your Homeschool

Taking time to review or assess your homeschool every six months is a great way to keep away "homeschool blindness!" You know - that inability to "sniff out" what is really going on in your homeschool!…

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JANUARY 17, 2020
Science Fun and Learning Videos!

Science... For most people, it's a love/hate relationship! Yet, I think we all agree that making science learning as hands-on as possible - makes it more enjoyable! We've put together some…

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JANUARY 15, 2020
Infographic: Avoid Going “Homeschool Blind!”

Have you ever thought about your homeschooling successes and failures? Have you taken the time to "grade" yourself? Then you've assessed your homeschool! But is it time to do it again? Click…

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JANUARY 15, 2020
5 Ways to Take Inventory of Your Homeschool

January is the perfect time to take inventory of your homeschool year so far.  Whether your family is transitioning from public school to homeschooling, or you are simply beginning a new homeschool…

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DECEMBER 9, 2019
Newsletter 37: Homeschooling & Holidays

  We've all been there as parents... slightly exasperated at our child's loss of all manners. Don't sweat it - - and don't be embarrassed!  They could just be shy and feel too awkward…

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DECEMBER 9, 2019
Tips For Teaching Manners During The Holidays

Etiquette is one of those things you think your children understand until, of course, you are surrounded by "older" relatives waiting to see the "proof" of your homeschooling prowess. Only at…

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DECEMBER 8, 2019
Creating a Stress-Free Holiday

Tensions can run high during the holidays.  Between cooking fabulous meals, baking holiday treats, booking tickets, scheduling grocery shopping, visiting with relatives, and -- oh right, HOMESCHOOLING…

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DECEMBER 2, 2019
2019 Holiday Gift Guide

Don't you just love those last quiet moments on Christmas Eve? The stockings all hung by the chimney with care - and filled with goodies that each one will cherish?  The glow of the Christmas…

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NOVEMBER 20, 2019
Deschool to Start Your Homeschool Journey

Special thanks to our guest contributor. Deschooling is the process of adjusting to the non-school environment of everyday life after leaving the education system. This adjustment period happens…

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NOVEMBER 18, 2019
Newsletter 36: Homeschooling with a Stress Free Thanksgiving

The Stress-Free Thanksgiving Issue Want the holidays to be full of precious memories and absent of stress? We're pretty sure you're shouting a resounding, yes! (We are!) We all love the holidays,…

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