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Homeschooling Articles

APRIL 18, 2018
High School Homeschool Graduation Party Tips

"High School Graduation Party Do's and Don'ts" No one ever wants to be known as "that parent." That's totally uncool and would embarrass your teen no doubt. So where do you…

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APRIL 18, 2018
5 Tips for Special Needs Homeschooling

If you've decided to make the move toward homeschooling your teen, that's fantastic! We want to see you succeed in this goal, so we've put together some quick tips from parents of children…

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MARCH 21, 2018
Newsletter: 20

Today's test crazy world is full of information about standardized testing and what you can do to help your students prepare..... In…

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MARCH 21, 2018
Need a New Homeschool Routine?

"Do You Need a New Homeschool Routine?" Chances are good that you started out the school year with a brand spanking new routine. You meant well; after all, you had the goal of education in…

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FEBRUARY 1, 2018
FAQ: High School Homeschooling

High School Homeschooling FAQ While still firmly committed to the idea of homeschooling and the choices it provides, many parents begin to second guess their decision as their child approaches…

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JANUARY 24, 2018
5 Reasons to Continue Homeschooling Through High School

Many parents, even some who have confidently homeschooled through the elementary grades, wonder if they should send their child to a traditional school for high school. Some are concerned about…

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JANUARY 18, 2018
Newsletter: 18

Planning a new semester for a special needs child comes with unique challenges along with so many opportunities for deep joy... …

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JANUARY 18, 2018
Changing Homeschool Curriculum After the New Year

  If your fall curriculum fell on its face, we’re here to help. We’ve all been there, in fact, it happens to the best of us. Many times, what we think is a great homeschool option…

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JANUARY 18, 2018
Organizing for the New Year!

Was organization for the new year on your resolution list? If it was, you might be hopelessly wondering how to make it a reality. We're here for you! Getting and staying organized seems to be…

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JANUARY 18, 2018
Getting a Fresh Start for the New Homeschool Year

Has the new year inspired you toward homeschool greatness? Or has winter break left you hanging? Perhaps you just need a new dose of inspiration to get you motivated. While we welcome the break,…

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