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Homeschooling Articles

OCTOBER 1, 2017
Newsletter 15 – A Time for Homeschooling Reflection

Time for Reflection Now that all three of my children are grown, it's time for me to reflect upon what I've done right in life and where I could have done better. Of course, I made some "wrong"…

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SEPTEMBER 30, 2017
Homeschooling and Working, Is It Possible?

  There’s no doubt about it – living on just one income is hard these days. Very hard. The same income that once more than covered household expenditures now often requires additional…

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SEPTEMBER 30, 2017
How to Create Independent Homeschool Learners

"Organic Learning – How to Create Independent Learners" No matter how much time you spend in the curriculum you've purchased, organic learning will happen. Organic learning is learning that…

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SEPTEMBER 30, 2017
Newsletter 14: Working and Homeschooling Independent Learners

No matter how much time you spend in the curriculum you've purchased, organic learning will happen. Organic learning is ....   …

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AUGUST 21, 2017
3 Tips for Choosing Your Homeschool Curriculum

The decision to homeschool is a personal decision you must come to on your own. But once you've made that decision, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options that are out there. It can…

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AUGUST 21, 2017
5 Things to Do Before You Start Homeschooling

Inspiration Station August 2017, Issue 13 "5 Things to Do Before You Start Homeschooling" by's Rebecca Kochenderfer If you're new to homeschooling, you may…

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AUGUST 21, 2017
Is it Possible to LOVE Homeschooling?

  Many of us come to homeschooling with idealized visions of what each day will look like. The children will rise out of bed with smiles on their faces, eat a delicious breakfast…

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JULY 24, 2017
Mid-Summer Mood Busters

By now, you may have established a schedule filled with worthwhile activities and time for day dreaming, long walks, and soaking in the sun. Perhaps your family's summer schedule is providing…

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JULY 24, 2017
Summer Learning with Large Families

Homeschool Organization: Summer Learning with Large Families The expression "the more the merrier" rings especially true in the case of summer learning. If you have a large family,…

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JULY 24, 2017
Changing How We View Summer Learning

In creating artificial divisions between school time and vacation time, we send our kids the message that learning is something unpleasant we get to escape from in the summer. When families make…

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