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Homeschooling Articles

FEBRUARY 24, 2017
The Book that Made It All Possible

Twenty-two years ago I was working at a job that I didn’t like and that wasn’t a good fit for me. I had to work; my family needed the money, but I felt trapped. When I found out I was…

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JANUARY 27, 2017
Beat the Wintertime Homeschool Blues

The holidays are over, and the big excitements of that season have also passed. Settling comfortably into this new time of quiet and cold can be a challenge for homeschool families accustomed…

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JANUARY 27, 2017
Self-Fulfilling Prophesy in Homeschooling

In 2014, I wrote my book, Joyful Homeschooling: They Key to Successful Homeschooling. What excited me most about the project was the opportunity it provided to reflect on all my years of homeschooling…

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JANUARY 27, 2017
Newsletter: 5

  In 2014, I wrote my book, Joyful Homeschooling: They Key to Successful Homeschooling. What excited me most about that.....   …

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JANUARY 23, 2017
Homeschool Snow Day Activities!

It's beautiful outside, the peacefulness of a newly fallen snow... the calmness the soft fluffy flakes bring to a heart... SHATTERED by the noises of bored children disagreeing about every little…

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OCTOBER 24, 2016
Do We Need More Structure?

Twenty-two years ago I was working at a job that I didn’t like and that wasn’t a good fit for me. I had to work; my family needed the money, but I felt trapped. When I found out I was…

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OCTOBER 24, 2016
Should I Use an Online Charter School?

Should I Use an Online Charter School? You spent the summer preparing to homeschool, poured through as many catalogs as you could find, and may have even attended a homeschool convention…

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OCTOBER 24, 2016
Looking For More Energy and Enthusiasm?

Want to feel more energy and enthusiasm? Try these 5 simple things. Practice some type of meditation or prayer each day. I try to start each day with some kind of meditation. Sometimes…

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OCTOBER 24, 2016
Newsletter 4: Back to Homeschool

I have some great advice for you. The first thing you should do when you are homeschooling is to decide where you want to end.... …

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AUGUST 25, 2016
Preparing for Homeschooling in 3 Easy Steps

If you're like many new homeschooling parents, you've been sending your kiddos off to school on the big yellow bus for several years now. It's what's familiar and is what you're used to doing.…

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