Homeschool Language Arts

Are you searching for a way to enjoy the summer, keep it fun, yet still be productive? We’ve all heard the statistics regarding learning loss over the summer months, but we're here to tell…

When first considering homeschooling, it can definitely seem like a daunting task. While we may feel more comfortable teaching certain subjects that we excelled in ourselves or even just enjoyed…

As homeschoolers, we are all about DIYS!  What better DIY than your own homeschool poetry unit study? The month of April is National Poetry Month, and it only seems fitting to put together a…

We all know there have been amazing works of literature that have been written and enjoyed by millions throughout the years. These stories and authors have originated worldwide and helped expand…

MARCH 22, 2023

Free Scripts For Kids

Provide your homeschool with a drama script for kids, and you will see learning happen without your children even knowing.  Performances bring language arts to life.  When your children rehearse…

In order to effectively teach your children reading, you need to know where to start.  First, it helps if you can identify their reading levels. This is so that you can challenge them while…

One keystone of homeschooling is reading. In fact, many parents feel that reading is the most important subject to teach because it opens the door to learning anything else. Indeed, once your…

SEPTEMBER 15, 2022

FAQ: Homeschool Reading

Q: My child is 4 years old and doesn't seem very interested in books. Does that mean he won't be a good reader? A: Your son is too young for anyone to determine if he will be a good reader.…

P-H-E-N-O-M-E-N-O-N Pronunciation: fĭ-nŏm'ә- nŏn' Definition: An unusual, significant, or unaccountable fact or occurrence; a marvel. Origin: Late Latin phaenomenon, from Greek phainomenon Sentence: …

Recently, we asked our homeschool community which subject they would teach if they could only choose one. We’d anticipated preferences for math or history, but the overwhelming response was…