Unit Studies

Faith-Based Resource We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: having good character matters. Regardless of whether you’re a religious homeschooling family or a secular homeschooler,…

This summer looks different to most of us. With COVID-19 cases still spreading and even surging in certain areas, many of our favorite summer activities are inaccessible. Summer camps, libraries,…

Faith-Based Resource As parents, passing on good character to our children is a priority.  Even before starting a family, many of us recognize the benefits of encouraging traits of good character,…

Is Memorial Day just another patriotic holiday? Every year in the United States, Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May. One of the first Memorial Day celebrations dates back to 1866…

October has been all about science and that theme continues with National Chemistry Week!  When you think of science, does the image of a lab with beakers, bubbling solutions, and goggles come…

What do we know about nuclear science?  What do we still have yet to learn? There are nearly infinite uses of nuclear technology in our society today.  It is immersed in our medical system,…

Have your homeschoolers studied Earth science yet?  This branch of science, also known as geoscience, is an incredibly relevant area of study, and worth learning about! What better time to explore…

Flag Day began as a way to honor one of our nation’s iconic symbols: the American Flag. Unlike many of our other holidays, this one isn’t meant to celebrate or honor any individual people.…

Variety is the spice of life, and this is especially true when it comes to homeschooling. Shake things up a little this month. Put away the curriculum you've been using all winter long, and try…