Single Parent Homeschooling

June 18, 2024
Written by:
Andrea Dillon

Homeschooling. When we think of homeschooling, we often imagine a perfect family where both parents work together to educate their kids. But let’s be real, no family is perfect. There are all kinds of homeschoolers out there, including single parent homeschooling. And guess what? They can be just as successful as any other homeschooling family.

Single Parent Homeschooling, The Reality

Deciding to homeschool as a single parent can be tough, and sometimes it’s not even a choice you get to make. I became a single homeschooling mom out of the blue years ago and did it as a single mom for five years. It wasn’t what I had in mind, but hey, life happens.

I gotta say, I totally freaked out at first. It was like a punch to the gut to realize my dream of having a happy, close-knit family was falling apart. It was tough to accept, and then I started feeling all unsure about what was next.

I had so many thoughts racing through my mind. Like, how am I gonna do this all by myself? Can I homeschool as a single mom? Can I even afford to homeschool solo? When will I find the time? And seriously, where can I get some help?

How To Homeschool As A Single Mom or Dad

Single mom homeschooling Whether you’re a single parent by choice or just going through life, I’m pretty sure you have those same worries. But hey, I’m here to tell you that I’ve been there and I’ve done it! I’ve got the answers and the reassurance that yes, you can totally make single parent homeschooling work and it’s not as hard as you think!

Funds As A Single Parent Homeschooling

The first and foremost thought is how am I ever going to pay for homeschooling by myself. Families struggle all the time to make it on two incomes, so how can I possibly make it on one? The first place to start is to check out the free and low cost resources available to you. There are many free and affordable homeschool options that can take the sting out of single parent homeschooling.

However those aren’t your only options. Some states and programs offer money to help with homeschooling. Take advantage of these options as a single mom (or dad) homeschooling!

But those aren’t all…here are a few more ideas to help keep costs low.

  • Join the Marketplace for free and grab discounts as they get added!
  • Find discounts and freebies to help you as a single homeschool parent by making a Homeschool ID Card. This was a huge help for us!
  • Make use of your local library. Libraries often have free programs, curriculum, and other materials that can help save you money while homeschooling.
  • Connect with other homeschoolers! While you may be homeschooling as a single parent you don’t have to be alone. Homeschool groups can help you find low cost options to homeschool your children.

Finding Time As A Single Parent Homeschooling

The next question is time. How can I possibly have the time to homeschool as a single mom or dad? Yes, single parenting is difficult. It is all on you all the time but it doesn’t have to be. Just because you are a single parent, that doesn’t mean that you have to homeschool alone.

First things first, homeschool on your own time. If you have to work during “regular school hours” and your kids need to be somewhere else, that’s totally fine. Your homeschooling schedule can be flexible, so you can do it in the evenings, at night, or even on weekends. I found that working mornings and homeschooling in the evenings was the perfect combination for me and my homeschoolers. So do whatever works best for you and your family!

Single Dad Homeschooling

Second, you don’t have to do all the homeschooling. Homeschool groups, online lessons, extended family and friends can all help pull the weight of homeschooling. My children received lessons from all over the place to help me homeschool. We used grandparents, friends, library programs, and online classes to make it work. There is no right way to homeschool, so do what works to keep the learning going and the family functioning!

Next, don’t stress about planning. And don’t get discouraged when plans get off track. I know it’s easier said than done, but hear me out. Learning isn’t just about following lesson plans and reading books. There are so many different ways to learn. Don’t focus too much on the traditional idea of “school” and instead try to see the educational opportunities in your everyday life. Turn cooking dinner into a family activity. Explore science and chemistry while cleaning the house. Get creative and think outside the box for fun learning ideas.

Single Mom and Dad Homeschool Tips

So the two biggest concerns of money and time are out of the way but what about everything else? What about the thing you might not have considered yet. If you are anything like me you probably worry more about the unknown questions than the ones you can actually think of, but don’t stress. Like I said, I’ve been there and you can do this! Here are my top tips for single parent homeschooling.

  • Document everything. Whether it’s a little journal you keep with you, your phone’s note app, or even a special Instagram account just for your homeschool days, find a way to write down what you’re up to each day. This will make it easier when you need to do any reporting later on. Plus, it’s a great way to see all the cool stuff you’re learning every day!
  • Make a simple plan to help you stay on course, but make sure it’s adaptable for when life throws you a curveball, like doctor visits and sick days. Remember it is okay to shift things around when needed.
  • Make sure to connect with other homeschoolers! Join some online or in-person homeschool groups and maybe even check out a convention. It’s a great way to get tips, ideas, and build your community with others who are homeschooling too. And honestly, this is where I have found so much great support!
  • Embrace the chaos! Homeschooling is like a living, breathing thing. Kids are always growing and evolving, and so are we as parents. Just roll with the changes, enjoy the journey, and remember nothing is perfect and that’s okay!

Want more? Check out episode 22 of our podcast where I discuss homeschooling as a single mother while I was in the thick of it all!


Andrea Dillon

Andrea is a previous public school teacher turned accidental homeschooler. She earned her B.S. in Elementary Education, then followed up with a Master's in Early Education before deciding to give homeschooling a try with her first child. Many years later, she is still homeschooling her now teen children and loving it. She enjoys making crafts, reading books, playing video games, and cuddling her cats.