Posts by Courtney Newman

You have a headache. You feel groggy. Fatigued. It’s not quite warm enough outside and your allergies are transforming into something miserable. The kids are loud, whining, fighting, and bored.…

After you’ve already watched Frozen more times than you’d like to admit and your Play-Doh is properly dried out, you are probably dying for new activities for kids to try during this quarantine.…

We love science here at!  It’s a bit of a shame that so many people dislike science due to it feeling overly complicated, dry, and boring.  Too often, science is limited to…

In certain states, the school closure quarantine ends today. In other states, schools are closed through the end of the year. Regardless, there are a lot of new homeschooling families these days…

Science is one of those subjects that people either love or hate. Unfortunately, it’s often associated with complicated equations, monotonous data collection, and an incredibly long process…

Homeschooling is a great solution for many families, and it is a privilege to educate our children. Some of our favorite benefits of homeschooling include individualized education, student-paced…

We are here to help all families, and that includes those who have chosen to enroll their students in traditional school after first homeschooling. Whether you were only temporarily homeschooling…

When researching homeschooling options, parents are often bombarded by the wide array of choices between homeschool curriculum and online schools. So what is the difference between homeschool…

Have you heard of makerspaces? Whether the term was dropped from an overheard clip of conversations at a co-op meeting or a sponsored article on Facebook, makerspaces are beginning to take the…

Picture this: you’re sitting at your dining room table, somewhat uncomfortably propped against your hardback chair, favorite pen in hand...with the empty pages of your homeschool planner spread…