Posts by Guest Author

Are you wondering how to teach a toddler to read? Start by reading to your child every day. Teach them that books have meaning, are important, and most of all - fun! Encourage them to guess what…

Post sponsored by Daily Skill Building Homeschool notebooking is a unique method of homeschooling that encourages students to work independently. Through written narration, drawing, and sketching,…

Before I became The HomeScholar and before I even began homeschooling, I was a nurse. I loved Biology and Chemistry and loved being a nurse.  This is one homeschooling mom who loves science! …

Sponsored post by Time4Learning The challenges you face with your children with special needs don’t go away just because it’s summer. You may even feel more challenged during these months…

Post sponsored by Boluo School I was 38 when I learned there was a term for what I am.  I always thought that term was, “smart, but bad at math.” As it turns out, the term for what I…

You may have heard of dyslexia (difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols) and dyspraxia (a condition affecting physical coordination), but have you heard…

Guest post by With summer approaching, you may be thinking about your plans to spend time with your children. Are you traveling? Planning on sleeping in more often? Are you…

Guest Post by Heidi Rosenberg For most parents that have had to homeschool and work from home, it is a challenging and stressful ride. Imagine that the parent recently lost his or her job…

If you’re reading this post right now, my guess is that you’re either overwhelmed by working full-time while homeschooling or worried that you will be in the future. Whether you’re juggling…

Guest Post by Gabriel Morse “Ugh, why do I have to write about these people?”  “Who cares about book reports, anyways?” I have to admit I used to employ these stalling tactics…