Posts by Guest Author

Every child has a natural inclination towards creativity and hands-on activities. As parents, nurturing these interests can be both rewarding and enriching for our kids. One exciting and unique…

Everyone understands that math is essential, but most people don’t fathom the degree to which math controls our daily lives. For instance, you get from place A to B thanks to simple math calculations…

This post is from our contributing sponsor Time4Learning. As a parent, staying on top of everyone’s schedule and keeping track of each family member’s activities can be a full-time job.…

If you check your calendar, you'll notice the third Monday of February is Presidents’ Day. Why do we celebrate Presidents’ Day? Is it just another patriotic day or a day to take off from…

Have you ever considered homeschooling, but quickly dismissed it for one reason or another? Whether age, perceived ability, or any other obstacle may lie in your path, don't be so quick to write…

As a new homeschooling parent, it might seem as if there are not enough hours in the day, especially when it comes to healthy cooking and meal prep.  The hardest thing for me seemed to be thinking…

This post is from our contributing sponsor, Time4Learning.  The winter break usually marks the mid-way point or year-end for homeschoolers, depending on how you schedule out your year. This…

Winter break is here! Can you keep your writing skills sharp while still having fun? Of course! Writing can even become something your children look forward to when you use engaging, creative…

Sponsored post by It’s the same dilemma every year: How do you keep homeschooling when you’re overwhelmed by the holiday madness? And let’s not forget your children,…

When the holidays start approaching, do your children start getting antsy? If all they want to talk about is the holidays, vacation time, candy treats, and snow, then this is the perfect time…