Posts by Guest Author

With the new semester around the corner, many parents are deciding whether to make the mid-year switch from traditional schooling and start homeschooling. There can be many benefits to homeschooling,…

Every mom has times when she feels she just can’t cope with the lengthy list of tasks she’s planned for the day: paying as much attention as possible to her child, doing the grocery shopping,…

Are you loving the flexibility and the ability to personalize learning to your child’s homeschooling needs? Many members of our community tell us that they are time and again amazed by the…

Read Pop Quiz (Part 1) here. Are we teaching our children the most important things? Well, we better know the answer to that question. In our current culture and especially in my state, there…

This post is sponsored by When I first started homeschooling, I was always caught up in focusing on the core subjects. Sure, we did chores together and occasionally made…

Years ago when I was writing articles for a military newspaper, I gained an appreciation for good headlines. Headlines grab our attention. They make us curious enough not only to read the article…

If you homeschool or have been researching homeschooling, you may have seen the word “accreditation” mentioned frequently. So, if you’re wondering what it means, how it works, and why it’s…

Expert educator Kim Langen – CEO and Founder of Spirit of Math – giving her take on AI and home school student learning. Recently I was asked to comment on the article by VENTUREBEAT:…

As homeschooling becomes an increasingly popular choice for education, students and families are presented with a unique opportunity to tailor their learning environments to suit individual needs.…

Post Sponsored by Northgate Academy In our fast-paced, digitally-driven world, the skills that mattered a decade ago are evolving. With change being the only constant, our educational approach…