Posts by Guest Author

  A college education carries with it far more than a piece of paper. There’s the prestige of having earned a degree and the benefits of a better job outcome, both of which are only…

Guest post by Where are you headed this summer? Do you have a family road trip in the works? Will you be visiting family in a distant state? Or, perhaps you have some homeschool…

Summer doesn’t mean there’s no time for homeschool summer science! In fact, you probably have even more time now that you’re not bogged down with a school schedule. In your free time, consider…

Are you ready for a fun-filled summer of learning? Hang on, WHAT? You’re probably thinking summer is for relaxing and recharging. And you’re right, but adding a few minutes of learning each…

Sponsored post by Time4Writing. Homeschool mom, Alexa, got her son’s standardized test scores back at the beginning of April. She became concerned when she realized that his reading and…

While every child is special and has specific needs, some students learn differently than others. Students with special needs may have learning delays or behavior challenges, or they may work…

By Karen Branch - Homeschool math guest post sponsored by CTC Math There’s that moment in every comedy where the befuddled comic relief character says, “Wait a second…” as he notices…

As homeschooling parents, we have the privilege of immersing our children in subjects that interest them and subjects that, perhaps, do not. Generally, if you ask children what subjects they…

You know spring has sprung into full gear when you start seeing blog posts about homeschool conventions and Easter activities! With cute bunnies adorning your local home decorating venues and…

FEBRUARY 26, 2018

How Women Changed History

For decades, women have made great accomplishments in history but it wasn’t always this way. Even further back in history, women were forbidden to vote or even obtain an education! Although…