Posts by Guest Author


Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness - How to Prepare for an Emergency -  And Make it a Homeschool/Learning Activity Too! This is a guest blog post written by Kalvin J. Evans     What do you…

When I first started homeschooling, I felt pretty confident about teaching my kids to read, even my children with dyslexia.  After all, before I had children, my primary job had been teaching…

Four years ago, I attended my second homeschool conference and learned a valuable lesson from families who were exhibitors. The lesson learned is one I most certainly will use as I raise my daughter.…

In addition to explicitly teaching traits of good writing and the writing process to students,  there are four important types of practice that are a crucial part of our writing instruction…

Written by Sommer Poquette One Sunday afternoon, I heard giggles coming from the living room, then loud yelps. Curious as to what was going on, I peeked around the corner and saw my two children…

Samantha Joy Blair, the owner of Wander Joy Vacation Advisory contacted me about her vacation services.  She says quite a few homeschoolers use her services. Samantha states that Wander…

AUGUST 15, 2017

Train For Any Hike

Train For Any Hike - Avoid Injury by Stretching and Training Original article by PartSelect Blog Written by Alison Hudson PartSelect contacted us and asked if we'd re-publish their blog post. …

AUGUST 14, 2017

Why Learn Web Design?

  Why Learn Web Design? Written by Chris Yust, from Homeschool Programming, Inc. When your students are ready to move beyond core subjects and choose a technical elective, they…

AUGUST 11, 2017

Is Music a Language?

This is a guest blog post from Many scholars, teachers and musicians have argued over this simple question: “Is music a language?” It’s true that reading music notation…

Last month marked the beginning of my family’s seventh year of homeschooling – not necessarily a remarkable anniversary unless you’re a mom like me who feels the days slipping away faster…