Posts by Guest Author

  Many parents are skeptical of their children playing video games. This is certainly understandable—the educational benefits of many video games are dubious. But not all video games…

How does a homeschooled student graduate without receiving a diploma from an outside source? Is a diploma even necessary? Though there is certainly value in having a high school diploma,…

  The high school to college transition is a test for many teenage students. In order to truly begin preparing your homeschooled child for college, you should first consider your…

Homeschool Graduation Ideas The moment you’ve worked toward for so many years has finally arrived. Your homeschooler has completed his last lesson, and now it’s time to celebrate the…

    Super Teacher Worksheets: A Recipe for Homeschool Success Homeschooling is all about trying new things and finding what works best for your child, just like perfecting…

  It’s no secret that the standardized testing or high stakes testing as some call it, has become a source of controversy. Many educators have rallied against it. Activists have…

  When people first consider homeschooling their children, they are often afraid that this decision would not only disrupt their social life but also hinder their career growth. After…

  6 Supplemental Income Ideas for Homeschool Parents To the family that chooses to live on a single salary in order to homeschool, a supplemental income that can be earned from home…

  “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16b). As a parent, you are undoubtedly busy with the daily routine of caring for your children. However,…

  A Homeschool Lesson - The Feathers that Saved Europe   Maps change. We all know that. The United States’s map once showed only thirteen states, for example. Germany was,…