Posts by Guest Author

Literature is great—and so are movies. Combine them and you have a double whammy as far as educational/homeschooling resources go.  There are several Internet sites that deal exclusively…

In college, I minored in Anthropology which included Archaeology.  It didn't exactly have anything to do with my education major but it is an incredibly interesting field of study!  Recently,…

The location of a homeschool is home, plain and simple.  You live, eat, and educate right there in your comfy three bedroom two bath ranch with the same view every day.  As a roadschooling…

In the movie, WE BOUGHT A ZOO, Benjamin Mee (Matt Damon) is a Los Angeles newspaper columnist and adventure writer who, as a single father, faces the challenges of raising his two young children.…

Just a reminder - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is coming out on DVD and Blu-Ray April 8, 2011! To celebrate the DVD/Blu-ray release, we have 20 copies of the film…

For more high school information visit our main How to Homeschool High School page. Is your high school student wavering about their career ideas for the future? At this age, the possibilities…

Yesterday, we discussed the difference between socialization and social skills. As parents, we are concerned about and aim to have our children learn appropriate social skills. The question becomes…

The Nobel Prize Winners for 2009 were announced this past week. One of the winners of the Noble Prize for Physics was a man who was homeschooled in his younger years, Dr. Willard S. Boyle. …

 If you were going to compile a list of all the positive things about homeschooling, flexibility would probably be near the top of your list. I can tell you it is at the top of mine. If we feel…