Posts by Naomi White

As parents, we would all be quick to admit that we want our children to be as happy and healthy as they can be. We try to maintain an upbeat, happy home environment where our kids feel safe and…

January is here, and if you're anything like me, you're more than ready to get all of the junk food out of the house that accumulated over the holiday season. There's something about turning…

Election Time! For homeschoolers, it’s an interesting addition to any social studies curriculum. You can learn more with your child about caucuses and political parties and electoral votes,…

Every homeschool parent can attest that there are times of doubt, fear, and uncertainty. We chose to homeschool so that we can do what’s best for our children...and some days, we wonder if…

These last couple of months in the year are always an exciting time to break out of the regular "school mode" for a bit and incorporate some fun, holiday-themed activities. Of course, your child…

Did you know that many amusement parks offer what they call "Homeschool Days"? Combined with lessons on amusement park physics, this can be a mostly educational family activity. As your children…

Happy Constitution Week! Were it not for the rights outlined in the Constitution, you may not even be reading this article. Thanks to those rights, you’re free to read whatever you’d like.  The…

On September 11, 2001, the world as we knew it changed. That morning, four planes were hijacked by members of an Islamic extremist group known as al Queda, and those planes were used to carry…

A while back, it seemed everywhere I turned, homeschool parents were talking about morning baskets. I heard the term so many times that I pulled up trusty Google to discover what the buzz was…

In this digital age of computers, tablets, and smartphones, handwriting seems to be becoming a lost art. We adults who remember the days before computers and the internet were mainstream (gasp!)…