Posts by Naomi White

As far back as I can remember, I've always been a sucker for pretty journals, notebooks, pens...any kind of writing supplies. Even as a kid, I loved collecting sparkly, pretty places to write…

The race is on to get those holiday gifts, and we are here to help! If you're stumped as to what you get the children, teens, or parents in your life, look no further for inspiration. Here are…

"But I thought homeschool students didn't need to take the PSAT?"  If you saw this title and thought those words, you're right. Homeschool students do not have to take the PSAT, but just…

When it comes to homeschooling, everyone does it differently. Some have a dedicated school room with tables or desks, and that is where everything gets done. Some do schoolwork at the dinner…

Politics is always a touchy subject. The political spectrum is vast and very few of us would land in the same spot. Because of this, some choose to bury their heads in the sand and ignore politics…

When teaching younger students to read, one of the best things you can do for them is read aloud to them and with them. A recent study (2015) showed that reading aloud is far superior in building…

Thanksgiving is a time when most families get together to spend time with one another. We've all seen the commercials of aunts, uncles, and cousins sitting around a huge table eating copious…