Posts by Sam Bowman

Medical education for kids isn’t just important if they’re planning to attend medical school in the future. A solid understanding of health practices is also essential for their day-to-day…

One of the biggest concerns parents and students alike often have when it comes to homeschooling is extracurriculars. Your student isn’t going to be on the local public school sports team or…

After graduating into adulthood, many public school students realize how ill-prepared they are for their financial futures. Financial literacy — including budgeting, taxes, and credit — simply…

Guest post by Sam Bowman Homeschooling comes with a variety of benefits. It enables students to learn in a comfortable and familiar environment surrounded by people who care about them. It…

There will likely come a time when you have finally perfected the curriculum for your homeschooling classes when your teen will surprise you with the big question: “when can I learn how to…

Public schools may not appreciate the importance of financial literacy for teens, but the great thing about homeschooling is the control over the curriculum we teach. Adding finances to your…

Guest post by Sam Bowman. The choice to homeschool your children is usually something both parents decide together. But, when you’re going through a divorce, you may find yourself at a crossroads…

Food allergies can be dangerous for anyone, but they are especially scary for kids. Unfortunately, about 8% of children in the U.S. have developed food allergies, and about 40% of those children…

One of the great benefits of homeschooling is that you can expand outside of the typical school syllabus and teach your kids some life lessons that they might not always learn inside of the traditional…

Homeschooling can often leave parents feeling overwhelmed as they do their best to reproduce a public school environment in a home setting. But the truth is, you don’t need to copy the public…