Elementary Homeschool

AUGUST 13, 2020

Writing Tips: Back to Basics for Back to School

Was your kids’ summer writing limited to scribbling their names in sidewalk chalk on the driveway? Don’t worry! You have plenty of time to get back in the swing of things. You probably don’t…

AUGUST 11, 2020

How to Make Homeschooling Fun

Despite perhaps what most of our children believe, learning can be fun! Furthermore, a lot of students tend to learn better by doing, rather than seeing, hearing, and taking notes, particularly…

AUGUST 9, 2020

Help! Can Someone Else Homeschool My Child?

Making the decision to homeschool is a big commitment. It takes time, money, and sacrifice.  What if due to circumstances you must homeschool but are not able to homeschool your children yourself?…

AUGUST 9, 2020

Inspiring Your Budding Writer!

Contributed by Elizabeth Dardes Creating a home environment that embraces, celebrates, and encourages writing and creativity is the spark all parents want to ignite for their children. Keeping…

AUGUST 2, 2020

Encouraging Our Girls to Be Strong Leaders

It’s obvious that girls today need positive role models. There are many strong women in the spotlight – especially in Hollywood. However, those aren’t necessarily the women we want…

AUGUST 1, 2020

10 Tips for Raising Daughters

We’ve all heard – “That’s not ladylike!” or “Little girls shouldn’t behave like that.” Teaching girls to be strong yet embrace their femininity is not easy! There’s no doubt…

JULY 30, 2020

Insect Activities for Kids

Let's face it: many kids just plain LOVE bugs! Whether they're lightning bugs, furry caterpillars, banana slugs, or potato bugs, they love them! As homeschoolers, we're always looking to capitalize…

JULY 28, 2020

Starting a Family Book Club

If you’re looking for a fun and educational way to bridge the summer learning gap, or even inspire reading this fall consider starting a family book club. This unique tradition is one that…

JULY 27, 2020

Coronavirus: Homeschool Solutions

Homeschooling When You Hadn’t Planned on It As concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to rise along with a mounting number of confirmed cases in the U.S., many parents are seeking…

JULY 22, 2020

Using Video Games to Build Skills

Sponsored by Arcademics. When Devices Take Over We're struggling with device take-over. Our kids are obsessed with YouTube and Nintendo. They turn into zombies when on the devices, with stunted…