Elementary Homeschool

MARCH 26, 2020

How to Combine Writing with Other Subjects

Running to the store for essentials, cleaning everything, keeping your family fed and happy, getting work done, trying to stay on top of life in general, and just maintaining your sanity on any…

MARCH 25, 2020

Homeschool Day in the Life from a Child’s Perspective!

Written by Mindy Scirri Have you ever wondered what the homeschooled child thinks about homeschooling?  Understandably, most of the information out there on homeschooling is focused on the…

MARCH 25, 2020

Gameschooling Benefits for the New Homeschooler

Growing up homeschooled, my mother made certain that real-world learning experiences were at the foundation of our core curriculum. While part of the day was spent solving algebraic expressions,…

MARCH 24, 2020

What Does Quarantine Mean for Travel-Schooling Families?

A Few Tips from a Travel-Schooling Mom Going Through It with You Right now, there are hundreds of traveling families scrambling to make a plan for where to live and how to do school and family…

MARCH 23, 2020

Why Do Kids Whine? 6 Tips to Help Them Stop!

Now that we've been home - together - every day - for over a while now - we can all attest to the undeniable fact that "Whining happens!" Whining is something every child does or has done at…

MARCH 20, 2020

Staying At Home? 10 Fun Freebies for You!

"Feels like life these days has been written by a five-year-old!" I saw that on FB this week...I can relate, can't you?What a crazy roller coaster this past week has been! But what…

MARCH 20, 2020

Know Your Homeschool Terminology

Deschooling?  Unschooling?  If you are considering homeschooling or are new to homeschooling, you are probably finding that there are some new—and maybe even confusing—terms.  No worries!…

MARCH 10, 2020

How to Prepare Your Homeschooler for Standardized Testing

Republished with permission from Let'sHomeschoolHighSchool.com. Homeschooling is a great way to have more proactive involvement in your child’s education. But depending on the circumstances,…

MARCH 8, 2020

How to Help Teens Overcome Writer’s Block

Every child has a dream, and for some, it may be to be a newspaper journalist. Others, dream of being a creative writing teacher. And still, others see themselves going on tours as a best-selling…

FEBRUARY 28, 2020

Creating Your Own Homeschool Makerspace!

Have you heard of makerspaces? Whether the term was dropped from an overheard clip of conversations at a co-op meeting or a sponsored article on Facebook, makerspaces are beginning to take the…