Elementary Homeschool

MAY 3, 2017

Getting Your Homeschool Organized

Experts agree that getting and staying organized can be of great help to students looking to excel in their academic endeavors as well as personal ones. Getting Organized in Your Homeschool There…

MARCH 24, 2017

Online Learning Workspace Advice

Traditional classrooms are filled with neatly aligned rows of desks, maybe a chalkboard or whiteboard. Some contemporary classrooms arrange students so they can face each other to facilitate…

MARCH 23, 2017

Unit Studies: Immersive Learning at its Best

Variety is the spice of life, and this is especially true when it comes to homeschooling. Shake things up a little, and you'll find your kids have renewed interest in learning. Put away the curriculum…

MARCH 22, 2017

Does Your Child Hate Music?

This is a guest blog post from ForbesMusic.com As a parent, have you ever had to ask your kids to practice? Does that sound like a familiar tune often met with protest? You’re not alone,…

FEBRUARY 20, 2017

Test Your Homeschooler’s Presidential Knowledge

Test Your Homeschooler’s Presidential Knowledge This Presidents’ Day, test your knowledge of the leaders of our land with this fun, 10-question quiz! From previous professions to the most…

SEPTEMBER 15, 2016

Online Homeschooling: Is It For You?

The use of online homeschooling as an alternative to traditional schooling environments has been increasing rapidly. There is absolutely no question about the several benefits online homeschools…

AUGUST 8, 2016

Tips for Teaching Your Struggling Student

  Do you have a child like this? He (or she) sits down with a page of problems or questions in front of him. Two hours later he has done only three of them (and two of them are wrong!)…

MAY 20, 2016

5 Educational Benefits of Minecraft

  Many parents are skeptical of their children playing video games. This is certainly understandable—the educational benefits of many video games are dubious. But not all video games…

APRIL 25, 2016

Super Teacher Worksheets: A Recipe for Homeschool Success

    Super Teacher Worksheets: A Recipe for Homeschool Success Homeschooling is all about trying new things and finding what works best for your child, just like perfecting…

NOVEMBER 19, 2015

12 Daily Prayers for Your Homeschooled Children

  “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16b). As a parent, you are undoubtedly busy with the daily routine of caring for your children. However,…