Elementary Homeschool

JULY 6, 2023

The Power of Google Chrome Learning Extensions

Post Sponsored by Elephango You may be familiar with Google Chrome web browser extensions if you do any online shopping. Every so often, you may have noticed a message popping onto your screen…

JUNE 19, 2023

Seven Reasons to Keep Learning This Summer

Sponsored post by Time4Learning.com When I started writing this, I was thinking about the reasons to keep “studying” during the summer. But after a while, I didn’t like the word “study.”…

MAY 26, 2023

5 Things Parents Should Look for in a Summer Program

Sponsored by Time4Learning.com With summer around the corner, there can be ample time on your child’s plate. While free time around the house can be fun for your child, keeping them learning…

APRIL 24, 2023

How to Know if Your Preschooler is Ready to Read?

Do you have a preschooler and wonder if your little one is ready to start reading? Looking for signs of reading readiness during the preschool years is a common hobby with homeschool moms. But,…

MARCH 30, 2023

STEM Activities for Homeschoolers

Sponsored by Time4Learning. Most are familiar with STEM, but just to refresh, it stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. It’s an educational philosophy that incorporates each…

MARCH 27, 2023

Teaching Your Child Art on a Budget

Guest post by Heidi Rosenberg You don’t have to be rich to teach your child about art. With enough creativity, you can teach your child anything you want. There are a lot of talented kids…

MARCH 22, 2023

Top Vitamins To Help Kids Focus

As parents, we would all be quick to admit that we want our children to be as happy and healthy as they can be. We try to maintain an upbeat, happy home environment where our kids feel safe and…

FEBRUARY 17, 2023

Maximizing Your Child’s Math Skills

Sponsored post by Time4Learning.com Strong math skills are crucial in the emerging job market. It’s no coincidence that educators and business professionals focus on the importance of STEM…

JANUARY 17, 2023

10 Healthy Foods That Boost Brain Development

January is here, and if you're anything like me, you're more than ready to get all of the junk food out of the house that accumulated over the holiday season. There's something about turning…

JANUARY 2, 2023

Gummy Bear Science Project

Are you wondering what a gummy bear experiment is? What liquid makes a gummy bear grow? Or what happens when you put gummy bears in water? Did you know a gummy bear will grow when placed in…