Elementary Homeschool

MAY 25, 2013

Junior Ranger Program: Fun, Educational and Free

[caption id="attachment_4772" align="alignright" width="281"] Identifying leaves on a nature scavenger hunt for the Georgia Junior Ranger program.[/caption] The Junior Ranger Program.  Really,…

MAY 9, 2013

Favorite Tips for Homeschooling your Preschooler

Start homeschooling - when your "little" is ready! But, if they show signs of readiness you can start at any age.  Since little ones are like wonderful, little sponges, wanting to soak up everything,…

APRIL 29, 2013

Children with Autism – Focus on their Strengths!

“The amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage which it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric,…

JUNE 23, 2009

The Flexibility of Homeschooling

 If you were going to compile a list of all the positive things about homeschooling, flexibility would probably be near the top of your list. I can tell you it is at the top of mine. If we feel…