
JANUARY 5, 2018

Getting Started After the Holidays

Christmas break can be bittersweet for homeschoolers. Of course, most welcome the much-needed break. The flip side to that is you’ll have to start homeschooling again after such a nice break.…

JANUARY 3, 2018

Resolutions: Do They Really Work?

Are you ready for some fresh, new things this year? New friends, new faces, new ideas, and new resolutions are among the things people look forward to as each new year rolls around. But, sticking…

DECEMBER 23, 2017

Polar Express Mini Unit Study

The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg is one of the most popular books/movies to study during the holidays. One way to teach this story is by using a unit study. Unit studies cover a variety…

DECEMBER 11, 2017

Skipping Homeschool in December?

Is the stress getting to you? Are you struggling to get any homeschool lessons completed? It's understandable for sure - those visions of sugar plums are dancing around in our kid's little minds…

DECEMBER 8, 2017

Simple Steps to Superior Skills

       by Dr. Edwin C. Myers, Ph.D.   Ed Myers holds his doctorate from Carnegie-Mellon University and the M.A. from Dallas Seminary.  A scientist, educator, and musician, Ed designed…

DECEMBER 4, 2017

Staying on Track During the Holidays

Staying on Track During the Holidays The holidays can be a bittersweet time of year for many families. On the one hand, you’ve been looking forward to this special season all year long. You’ve…

NOVEMBER 30, 2017

Learn to Homeschool Like a Veteran

Long-Time Homeschoolers Teach You How to Homeschool Like a Pro This post is by Kerry, a homeschooling mother of two, and is from our contributing sponsor Time4Learning. What if you could…

NOVEMBER 17, 2017

Thanksgiving Recipes for Kids

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, you’re likely thinking about what you will make or bring to the family functions you’ll be attending. Since all experiences offer opportunities…

OCTOBER 27, 2017

Mentor Moments – How to Avoid Homeschool Burn Out

Rebecca Kochenderfer - How to Avoid Homeschool Burn Out   Homeschool burnout is a REAL thing. As a veteran homeschooling mom, Rebecca Kochenderfer knows all too well what that…

OCTOBER 5, 2017

10 Things No One Ever Told Me About Homeschooling

If you’ve homeschooled for any amount of time, you’ve probably had to figure some things out for yourself…things no one ever told you were going to happen during your homeschooling years.…