
JUNE 27, 2018

How Multi-Level Teaching Can Save the Day

Are you feeling blown away while trying to keep up with teaching multiple grade levels at once? Most school teachers only teach one grade level and they still find themselves overwhelmed (which…

JUNE 11, 2018

5 Common Mistakes Made In All Homeschool Essays

Guest post written by Grace Carter Writing an essay is a good way for your child to think about a subject and develop a solid understanding of it. It also helps develop good writing skills…

MAY 14, 2018

Don’t Give Up! You Can Finish Strong

Is it June yet? Seriously - one more month of this homeschooling stuff and you’ll probably be ready to turn your parent card in - right? With your sanity on the brink, you can rest assured…

MAY 10, 2018

4 Sizzling Summer Deals for Online Learning

4 Sizzling Summer Deals for Online Learning It’s time to finalize summer plans! Thinking of taking a trip or two? Signing the kids up for swim lessons? Hoping for some relaxed moments around…

MAY 9, 2018

Pros and Cons of Homeschooling Year-Round

Is it time for a break? Do you have it in you to homeschool year round? The answer to these questions depends on what makes your family happy. For some, looking forward to that annual break is…

APRIL 16, 2018

4 Important Writing Skills To Master Before Middle School

Guest post sponsored by Time4Writing.com You know that feeling where you turn around twice, and your infant is suddenly walking and talking? Then you turn around again a couple times, and…

APRIL 15, 2018

San Jacinto Day: A Battle For Independence

Independence isn’t something we should take for granted. After all, independence and individual freedoms lie at the heart of our ability to homeschool. But sometimes, independence comes as…

APRIL 11, 2018

The Cost of Low Literacy to the Nation

Did you know that the U.S is the only country (out of 30) where the current generation is less educated than the previous generation? Literacy rates are down, and this fact has a huge impact…

MARCH 29, 2018

Spotlight On: Homeschool History

As homeschooling parents, we have the privilege of immersing our children in subjects that interest them and subjects that, perhaps, do not. Generally, if you ask children what subjects they…

MARCH 19, 2018

Tips for Getting the Most Out of a Homeschool Convention

Homeschool convention season is here and it’s time to start making your plans to attend one near you! You’ve been hearing everyone talk about homeschool conventions and you’re probably…