Field Trips

MAY 16, 2024

Free and Affordable Virtual Summer Camps

Not everyone can take the summer to travel and have lots of hands-on and new experiences, however, with the advantages of technology, your child can still experience new things this summer, meet…

MARCH 10, 2023

Do You Have What It Takes?

Are you thinking about taking your homeschool on the road? Guest author Joe Venturo gives you some travel points to consider. Do you have what it takes to travel full-time in an RV? When you…

NOVEMBER 16, 2022

Native American Indian Unit Study Starter

The study of the Native American Indian people is one of great interest. In fact, over the years more information has become public surrounding the history of the North American Indian. Some…

JULY 7, 2022

Take Homeschooling on the Road This Summer

With summer just about in full swing, you’re likely already considering spending a little time away from home. As a homeschooling parent, you’re not necessarily bound by the structures of…

NOVEMBER 17, 2021

Travel Schooling Part 3: Small-Space Living

“I would love to travel school, but how do you survive living in such a small space? How do you keep from losing your cool? What do you do with all of your stuff?” These are the questions…

APRIL 13, 2021

FAQ: Homeschool Car Schooling

Do you find yourself constantly driving your kids to co-ops, music lessons, field trips, sports, and more? Is your homeschooling time feeling restricted by all the time in the car?  This…

FEBRUARY 5, 2021

How a Safari Taught Us to Live in the Moment

Quite often we avoid doing a thing because we believe it has to be done a certain way. We fear the experience will be lesser, and therefore not worth it if we can’t afford all the bells and…

OCTOBER 9, 2020

World Schooling: Teaching Kids Indigenous Cultures

Guest post by the Culture Trotters. Spoiler alert: we found paradise. Not the "too-good-to-be-true" tropical beach that makes fabulous postcards but a lousy home. We found the "perfect…

JULY 15, 2020

Unexpected Benefits of World Schooling

Sponsored by Culture Trotters. As homeschooling families, we all are already on the road less traveled. As world schoolers I feel like we are now out in the jungle with a machete forging our…

JUNE 23, 2020

Introducing the Culture Trotters

Meet the Culture Trotters: The Esteves Family World Schoolers! The Esteves Family is a world schooling family that had just begun their adventures when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Join us as…