Homeschool High School

MAY 15, 2019

How to Homeschool with the Charlotte Mason Method

  Charlotte Mason style of education is based on the teachings of Charlotte Mason. Mason was a British educator in the nineteenth century. This approach to education emphasizes good habits…

MAY 13, 2019

How to Teach Homeschool Writing Without a Curriculum

Guest post by Sandra Larson In elementary school, it is important to encourage children to write short stories. The stories often do not have a plot, well-developed characters, or conflict.…

MAY 11, 2019

Launch Party Giveaway!

Woohoo! Oh yeah... we're super excited! And with good reason! Our Homeschooling & Loving It podcast launched this week! And we're so excited to be able to reach out to each of you in…

MAY 10, 2019

How to End The Year With Ease!

The end of the school term is fast approaching, and there are always loose ends that need to be tucked away! Don't worry! We've got you covered!  We are here to help you wrap things up with…

APRIL 25, 2019

Don’t Miss the Ecree Giveaway!

Give your students access to world class writing expertise anywhere, day or night with ecree.  With ecree, you get both expertly crafted writing-based course content and technology that provides…

APRIL 16, 2019

How to Homeschool with the Waldorf Method

  Waldorf style of education is based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. Steiner was a philosopher and social reformer of the nineteenth century. This approach to education emphasizes…

APRIL 14, 2019

Tips for Homeschooling with Learning Preferences

There are seven primary styles of learning and, while no one is really limited to one, most people have preferences. Identifying which learning preference your child prefers can be simple, but…

APRIL 10, 2019

How to Homeschool Using Only the Library

Volunteer Contributor post by Kimberly Smith The library is a wonderful resource for any homeschool parent.  I use my library for most of my subjects including: reading, science, math, art,…

APRIL 9, 2019

Principles for Teaching Middle and High School Math

Just the idea of teaching math is often intimidating, but when it comes to middle- or high school, it’s an entirely new level of trepidation.  If math has never been your strong suit, you…

MARCH 29, 2019

5 Flexible Ways to Use Multi-Subject Homeschool Resources

This post has been sponsored by Classical Academic Press and We've all been there before. You are standing at the entrance to a homeschool convention exhibitors hall with…