Homeschool High School

MARCH 27, 2019

Virtual Field Trips a Part of Your Home School!

Posted By Volunteer Contributor Kimberly Smith When I think about a field trip, I think about touring a city with a guide walking and talking about the buildings and history while we soak…

MARCH 26, 2019

How to Build Skills and Confidence in Your Young Writer!

Guest post by Melissa Webb It was my first year in middle school. My new 6th-grade history teacher was young, energetic, and stylish! I just knew I would love her. And as a lifelong…

MARCH 21, 2019

Homeschooling Children with Down Syndrome

Guest post by Kelly Stone. World Down Syndrome Day is March 21 each year (3/21). That date was chosen because people with Down syndrome have a third copy of the 21st chromosome. Although…

MARCH 20, 2019

Wholesome Books List – Middle School

In previous posts, we brought you lists of wholesome books for Early Elementary and Elementary lists. This time we're heading to focus on our middle school students! (For a printable version…

MARCH 19, 2019

What Kind of Homeschooler are YOU?

I know, another poll? "Ain't nobody got time for that!" We get it! But... if you could squeeze out about 3-5 minutes to answer a few questions about the type of homeschooler you are and your…

MARCH 14, 2019

Wait, What!? Tricky Words Explained

Sponsored by The English language is complex, no doubt about it. Hidden among the thousands of common words we use every day, lurk some of the most troublesome. There are…

MARCH 8, 2019

My Thoughts on Standardized Testing for Homeschoolers

Volunteer Contributor Post I often hear fellow mom friends, whose children attend elementary and middle school in traditional schools, complain about standardized testing.  I feel so sorry…

FEBRUARY 20, 2019

How about that New Start?

The new year is well underway.  The holidays are behind us and we are all thinking about how to finish off our year. This is the time I like to stop and reflect on how our school year is going…

DECEMBER 13, 2018

4 Ways to Inspire Your Writers During the Holidays

Sponsored post by Becoming a strong writer takes great dedication and effort. You can help your young writers keep up that momentum during the busy holidays with simple, creative…

DECEMBER 10, 2018

Educational Scaffolding and Homeschool Success!

It’s understandable that many of us homeschool in order to remove ourselves from the “educational system.” While I agree completely with that mindset, I do believe that there are some instructional…