Homeschool High School

DECEMBER 10, 2018

Quick Facts about Homeschoolers and College

Many people think that homeschoolers are not prepared for college. According to research by the National Education Association, most people are concerned about the effectiveness of a homeschool…

NOVEMBER 13, 2018

How to Enter the Military as a Homeschooler

It’s important that we always remember to pay homage to our heroes, especially our military heroes. They’ve voluntarily decided to put their lives at risk to protect our country! What…

NOVEMBER 8, 2018

Finding a Well-Rounded Language Learning Experience

This is a sponsored post from Nihongo Master. The decision to homeschool your children through high school can be a tough one when you consider everything that you have ahead of you. One thing…

NOVEMBER 3, 2018

Don’t Forget Your Homeschool Goals!

First Things First! Start with WHY? Think about the different learning styles that work best for each of your individual students and the style of homeschooling that works for your family.…

OCTOBER 24, 2018

Something Stinks! Get Rid of that Curriculum Fail!

Sometimes you just make a bad judgment call... sometimes you've just added too much to your plate and it shatters! It happens and if we all get honest we can agree - it has happened to us! We've…

OCTOBER 22, 2018

Popcorn Learning Fun

For many years October has been celebrated as National Popcorn Month but it became official in 1999 when the Secretary of Agriculture declared October as National Popcorn Poppin’ Month. This…

OCTOBER 16, 2018

Mole Day Study Tips

Mole Day? Nope, not a furry mammal... No, not a sauce from Mexican cuisine…  and, nope not even Guacamole (which is amazing by the way!) I’m sure all of our chemistry and math nerds know…

OCTOBER 3, 2018

Share Your Favorite Book!

Head over to our contest page and share a photo of the cover of your favorite book!  When you share - you are automatically entered for a chance to win a new age-appropriate fiction book! Everyone…


Bringing Programming Into Your Homeschool

Computer programing is becoming an essential skill for students. In our technologically advanced society, being familiar with coding is becoming as important as the traditional competencies of…


10 Books Your Teen Should Read in High School

With classic literature, I believe some books are meant to be read when you are young and then again later when you are older. The ten teenage books listed below are no exception to this.…