Homeschool High School

AUGUST 11, 2017

Is Music a Language?

This is a guest blog post from Many scholars, teachers and musicians have argued over this simple question: “Is music a language?” It’s true that reading music notation…

AUGUST 10, 2017

From Home Education to Higher Education

Last month marked the beginning of my family’s seventh year of homeschooling – not necessarily a remarkable anniversary unless you’re a mom like me who feels the days slipping away faster…

MAY 3, 2017

Getting Your Homeschool Organized

Experts agree that getting and staying organized can be of great help to students looking to excel in their academic endeavors as well as personal ones. Getting Organized in Your Homeschool There…

MARCH 22, 2017

Does Your Child Hate Music?

This is a guest blog post from As a parent, have you ever had to ask your kids to practice? Does that sound like a familiar tune often met with protest? You’re not alone,…

SEPTEMBER 15, 2016

Online Homeschooling: Is It For You?

The use of online homeschooling as an alternative to traditional schooling environments has been increasing rapidly. There is absolutely no question about the several benefits online homeschools…

MAY 20, 2016

5 Educational Benefits of Minecraft

  Many parents are skeptical of their children playing video games. This is certainly understandable—the educational benefits of many video games are dubious. But not all video games…

MAY 10, 2016

Does My Homeschooler Need a High School Diploma?

How does a homeschooled student graduate without receiving a diploma from an outside source? Is a diploma even necessary? Though there is certainly value in having a high school diploma,…

MAY 9, 2016

How to Prepare Your Student for College

  The high school to college transition is a test for many teenage students. In order to truly begin preparing your homeschooled child for college, you should first consider your…

APRIL 27, 2016

Homeschool Graduation Ideas

Homeschool Graduation Ideas The moment you’ve worked toward for so many years has finally arrived. Your homeschooler has completed his last lesson, and now it’s time to celebrate the…

MARCH 28, 2016

5 Reasons To Take Standardized Tests Early

  It’s no secret that the standardized testing or high stakes testing as some call it, has become a source of controversy. Many educators have rallied against it. Activists have…