Homeschool High School


What About Homeschool High School Apprenticeships?

Our homeschool students are well trained, well socialized, and well prepared for college… but what if spending a fortune and four years isn’t what they want to do? Apprenticeship may be the…


Guide to Giving High School Credits

If you are preparing a high school transcript for a homeschooler, and he or she has used a variety of different materials, outside courses and curricula to complete their coursework, then you…


Pros and Cons of Online Tutoring for Homeschool

We are about half a year into the pandemic and it doesn’t look like it’s changing anytime soon. Of course, we remain hopeful. But, the reality is that families need a solution for their children’s…

AUGUST 18, 2020

Teaching Your Child Thinking Skills

An American anthropologist Margaret Mead states that parents should first and foremost teach their kids HOW to think, rather than instructing them on WHAT they should think. It is of utmost importance…

AUGUST 16, 2020

Our Best Homeschool Planning Tips

We’ve been getting a lot of requests for planning ideas and advice, and we're happy to share our methods! Homeschool planning is often one of the most challenging yet essential steps of homeschooling,…

AUGUST 9, 2020

Inspiring Your Budding Writer!

Contributed by Elizabeth Dardes Creating a home environment that embraces, celebrates, and encourages writing and creativity is the spark all parents want to ignite for their children. Keeping…

AUGUST 2, 2020

Encouraging Our Girls to Be Strong Leaders

It’s obvious that girls today need positive role models. There are many strong women in the spotlight – especially in Hollywood. However, those aren’t necessarily the women we want…

JULY 28, 2020

Starting a Family Book Club

If you’re looking for a fun and educational way to bridge the summer learning gap, or even inspire reading this fall consider starting a family book club. This unique tradition is one that…

JULY 27, 2020

Coronavirus: Homeschool Solutions

Homeschooling When You Hadn’t Planned on It As concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to rise along with a mounting number of confirmed cases in the U.S., many parents are seeking…

JULY 24, 2020

AP Classes vs. Trade Training

  If you are homeschooling a high school student, it's time to discuss your student's future.  What does your student want to do beyond high school?  This will impact the type of courses…