Homeschool Planning

NOVEMBER 20, 2018

Holiday Prep is a Family Adventure!

The Holidays are coming! The Holidays are coming! You can almost imagine Paul Revere on his horse riding through the streets shouting a warning of the upcoming holiday season! So much to do,…

NOVEMBER 9, 2018

On the Road Again: Roadschooling and Your Holiday Plan

“Are we there yet??” That’s something most parents “get” to hear from youthful passengers when on the road to a faraway holiday destination. Most of us have heard of road trip games…

SEPTEMBER 13, 2018

Online College Credit: Student Success Stories

Sponsored post by StraighterLine As a growing number of homeschoolers migrate to college, and as colleges and universities branch out to provide new learning situations, your student will be…

AUGUST 20, 2018

Let’s Get Started Homeschooling

Whether you're just beginning to homeschooling or are in your 15th year, every year can be different. Life happens, kids get older, circumstances change, etc. One thing that doesn't change is…

JULY 27, 2018

How to Use Vision Boards to Refresh Your Homeschool

Are you the type of person who thinks big but has difficulty following through?? Great ideas come easy, but you just can’t seem to make it happen? Vision boards may be the solution to helping…

JULY 24, 2018

Five Tips For Planning A New Homeschool Year

It is almost time to get back to school and that means planning and ordering your curriculum. Wading through all the choices can be a bit daunting (to put it lightly). Our friends at Homeschool…

JULY 11, 2018

Hybrid Homeschools: A Movement of the Future?

Let’s face it: there are definitely times we want to throw in the towel on homeschooling and totally call it quits. These are usually the times when we’re stressed out or fall behind because…

JULY 9, 2018

8 Essential Time Management Skills for Homeschoolers

Time-management is an essential skill that’s a must-have regardless of your social status, occupation, and portfolio. No matter who you are in this life, a president, a CEO or a student, time…

JUNE 27, 2018

How Multi-Level Teaching Can Save the Day

Are you feeling blown away while trying to keep up with teaching multiple grade levels at once? Most school teachers only teach one grade level and they still find themselves overwhelmed (which…

MAY 14, 2018

Don’t Give Up! You Can Finish Strong

Is it June yet? Seriously - one more month of this homeschooling stuff and you’ll probably be ready to turn your parent card in - right? With your sanity on the brink, you can rest assured…