Homeschool Planning

MARCH 13, 2020

Questions About Homeschooling

Do you have questions to ask about homeschooling? You’ve come to the right place! Here are your homeschooling questions, answered! Q: What is homeschooling? Homeschooling is the most flexible…

MARCH 5, 2020

We Sold our Home & I Lived to Tell the Tale

Moving? Need Some Homeschool Organization? You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t want to sell their home quickly. However, as a busy parent who has to juggle kids’ schedules…

FEBRUARY 24, 2020

How to Homeschool with the Unschooling Method

The unschooling method is based on the teachings of John Holt. Holt was a modern educator and author who came up with the word: Unschooling. He pinpointed problems with the traditional school…

FEBRUARY 10, 2020

Making Gameschooling Part of Your Homeschool Plan

Picture this: you’re sitting at your dining room table, somewhat uncomfortably propped against your hardback chair, favorite pen in hand...with the empty pages of your homeschool planner spread…

JANUARY 14, 2020

Budget-Friendly Tips on How to Limit Screen Time

Guest post contributed by Kristin Louis   When you were younger you didn’t have all these handheld devices glued to your hands and eyes. Instead, you played outside with chalk, rode your…

DECEMBER 31, 2019

Tips for Homeschooling & Working

It’s common to think that a family must have the freedom of living on a single income to homeschool.  However, if you work from home, or your family could benefit greatly from a second income,…

NOVEMBER 3, 2019

How to Homeschool with the Traditional Method

The traditional method of homeschooling is home education that follows the traditional school model. This philosophy of education uses structured plans and textbooks. It's especially useful if…

AUGUST 28, 2019

Ignite Student Passions Through Career Exploration

Sponsored by Laurel Springs School. Inspiring students to explore the pathway to their future beyond the classroom increases opportunities for college readiness, as well as gives them a competitive…

AUGUST 22, 2019

First Day Back-to-Homeschool Ideas

I must confess: I have mixed feelings on most first days. I am super psyched but also incredibly nervous. I make sure my kids are prepared for the upcoming year by keeping them learning throughout…

AUGUST 14, 2019

Back to Homeschool Start Up Kit

We know how crazy starting the homeschool year can be! The process of organizing yourself, your kiddos, and the school year can really push you to the limit! That's why we've created a back to…