Homeschool Resources

AUGUST 15, 2022

To Be or Not to Be: Helping the Struggling Student

There are those of you out there who are dealing with a struggling student. I can sympathize with you both from the perspective of having been a struggling student myself and being the father…

JULY 27, 2022

Why Gamification Works

Post sponsored by Night Zookeeper Homeschooling can be challenging at times, but technology has definitely helped parents stay on track when it comes to teaching their children from home!…

JULY 27, 2022

Back to School Ideas for Homeschoolers

Post sponsored by Time4Learning It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been homeschooling, switching things up for your students keeps them curious and motivated. Following the same old routine…

JULY 7, 2022

Take Homeschooling on the Road This Summer

With summer just about in full swing, you’re likely already considering spending a little time away from home. As a homeschooling parent, you’re not necessarily bound by the structures of…

JULY 6, 2022

Skip the Boredom, Keep Kids Engaged This Summer

Post Sponsored by Welcome Home Learning  School is out and another steamy summer has arrived. After two restless years of pandemic-induced isolation, it’s time to get outside and do something.…

JUNE 29, 2022

The Best Notebooking Ideas for Your Homeschool

Post sponsored by Daily Skill Building Homeschool notebooking is a unique method of homeschooling that encourages students to work independently. Through written narration, drawing, and sketching,…

JUNE 23, 2022

Homeschooling Twice-Exceptional Students

Post sponsored by Boluo School I was 38 when I learned there was a term for what I am.  I always thought that term was, “smart, but bad at math.” As it turns out, the term for what I…

MAY 19, 2022

8 Ways To Encourage Activity In Your Homeschool

Guest Post by Heidi Rosenberg For most parents that have had to homeschool and work from home, it is a challenging and stressful ride. Imagine that the parent recently lost his or her job…

MAY 18, 2022

Morning Basket Motivation

A while back, it seemed everywhere I turned, homeschool parents were talking about morning baskets. I heard the term so many times that I pulled up trusty Google to discover what the buzz was…

MAY 16, 2022

How to Homeschool and Work Full-Time

If you’re reading this post right now, my guess is that you’re either overwhelmed by working full-time while homeschooling or worried that you will be in the future. Whether you’re juggling…