Homeschooling Curriculum

AUGUST 22, 2018

Online Learning for Personalized Instruction

Sponsored by Online learning is ever increasing in popularity and providers are popping up all over the place. With so many resources to choose from, it can be overwhelming. Let's…

AUGUST 22, 2018

Spotlight On: Bible Curriculum By Grade

For Christian homeschoolers, Bible study is one of the most important aspects of the day. Starting the day off with a focus on those things that are good and peaceful (Psalm 29:11) has an amazing…

AUGUST 10, 2018

Preschool Mom’s Survival Guide

Are you ready to pull your hair out? Feeling like you can’t turn your back for a minute or the house will crumble? If so, you might be the parent of a preschooler! Preschoolers definitely keep…

AUGUST 2, 2018

Homeschool for Free: History/Social Studies

Are you ready to teach your child history or social studies this year? Worried about what to cover, how to know when to do it, or how to make it fun? There is so much more than just memorizing…

JULY 23, 2018

Homeschool for Free: Science

Believe it or not, science is a pretty hot topic amongst homeschoolers! It’s incredibly important to determine your worldview on things such as evolution, creation, and other scientific topics…

JULY 11, 2018

Hybrid Homeschools: A Movement of the Future?

Let’s face it: there are definitely times we want to throw in the towel on homeschooling and totally call it quits. These are usually the times when we’re stressed out or fall behind because…

JUNE 5, 2018

Summer is Here!

For many of us who homeschool that doesn't mean that learning takes a break. Summer is the perfect time for us to explore new techniques and tools with our students. This summer say goodbye to…

MAY 10, 2018

4 Sizzling Summer Deals for Online Learning

4 Sizzling Summer Deals for Online Learning It’s time to finalize summer plans! Thinking of taking a trip or two? Signing the kids up for swim lessons? Hoping for some relaxed moments around…

MAY 3, 2018

Spotlight On: Language Arts

Does the thought of homeschooling language arts make you cringe? For many parents, this is the one subject they either excel at or despise. It’s so all-encompassing which means it’s important…

APRIL 16, 2018

4 Important Writing Skills To Master Before Middle School

Guest post sponsored by You know that feeling where you turn around twice, and your infant is suddenly walking and talking? Then you turn around again a couple times, and…