Homeschooling Curriculum

APRIL 3, 2018

Grounding Yourself in Mathematics

By Karen Branch - Homeschool math guest post sponsored by CTC Math There’s that moment in every comedy where the befuddled comic relief character says, “Wait a second…” as he notices…

MARCH 29, 2018

Spotlight On: Homeschool History

As homeschooling parents, we have the privilege of immersing our children in subjects that interest them and subjects that, perhaps, do not. Generally, if you ask children what subjects they…

MARCH 19, 2018

Tips for Getting the Most Out of a Homeschool Convention

Homeschool convention season is here and it’s time to start making your plans to attend one near you! You’ve been hearing everyone talk about homeschool conventions and you’re probably…

MARCH 16, 2018

Filling In The Gaps in Your Homeschooler’s Writing Skills

Sponsored post by Time4Writing What’s the hardest subject you have to teach your homeschooler? For many homeschool parents, writing is at the top of their list. “I’m truly at my wit's…

JANUARY 8, 2018

2017 Best Homeschooling Articles

Ever get that feeling when you wish you’d have found something sooner? If you recently found us, you can check out some highlights from our blog below! We spent 2017 doing our best to provide…

JANUARY 5, 2018

Getting Started After the Holidays

Christmas break can be bittersweet for homeschoolers. Of course, most welcome the much-needed break. The flip side to that is you’ll have to start homeschooling again after such a nice break.…

DECEMBER 8, 2017

Simple Steps to Superior Skills

       by Dr. Edwin C. Myers, Ph.D.   Ed Myers holds his doctorate from Carnegie-Mellon University and the M.A. from Dallas Seminary.  A scientist, educator, and musician, Ed designed…

NOVEMBER 10, 2017

The Best Way to Build Vocabulary in Your Homeschool

This is a guest blog post from Sonlight. The average active vocabulary of an adult English speaker is ten to twenty thousand words, with a passive vocabulary (the words you recognize, but…

OCTOBER 24, 2017

Best Series for Starting Chapter Books

Few mental images can create a feeling of warmth and love as much as a parent reading to his or her child before bedtime. As your children grow, both you and your children can easily make the…

OCTOBER 18, 2017

Build-A-Project, Just for Homeschoolers

  Build-A-Project creates customized projects for homeschool students. After a consultation with the family about what kind of project, subject, or topic they would like their child to…