Homeschooling Curriculum

OCTOBER 31, 2019

How to Teach and Improve Vocabulary

Improving vocabulary is one of the five tenets of teaching reading as well as improving reading skills. Vocabulary is a strong indicator of student success. Knowledge of words and word meanings…

JULY 29, 2019

Preparing Students Today for the Careers of Tomorrow

  We have seen enormous advances in technology, industry, and science during the last century, and that pace of change is not expected to slow down anytime soon. The latest report from…

JULY 19, 2019

How to Homeschool with the Eclectic Method

  Eclectic method of homeschooling is a mixture of various approaches. This philosophy utilizes a combination of approaches to find what works with a little of this and a little of that.…

MAY 2, 2019

5 Math Tips for the Gifted Learner

Guest post by Kimberly Smith     Having a gifted learner can be a blessing as well as a challenge.  A blessing because your child is mastering a skill quickly.  And, a challenge…

APRIL 23, 2019

Four Ways to Avoid Summer Slide

This post is sponsored by Laurel Springs. Believe it or not, the highly anticipated sunny days of summer are right around the corner. For some children, that might mean carefree days spent…

APRIL 16, 2019

How to Homeschool with the Waldorf Method

  Waldorf style of education is based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. Steiner was a philosopher and social reformer of the nineteenth century. This approach to education emphasizes…

MARCH 29, 2019

5 Flexible Ways to Use Multi-Subject Homeschool Resources

This post has been sponsored by Classical Academic Press and We've all been there before. You are standing at the entrance to a homeschool convention exhibitors hall with…

MARCH 20, 2019

Wholesome Books List – Middle School

In previous posts, we brought you lists of wholesome books for Early Elementary and Elementary lists. This time we're heading to focus on our middle school students! (For a printable version…

MARCH 14, 2019

Wait, What!? Tricky Words Explained

Sponsored by The English language is complex, no doubt about it. Hidden among the thousands of common words we use every day, lurk some of the most troublesome. There are…

MARCH 14, 2019

Homeschool To Their Learning Strengths

One of the benefits of homeschooling is that we’re not obliged to box our children into any set curriculum or someone else’s standards. This means that sometimes when we’re asked what curriculum…