Homeschooling Middle School

MARCH 17, 2021

How Physical Activity Can Help You Make Friends

Guest post by Heidi Rosenberg. Most often, exercising is done for health and physical fitness. There are more than enough benefits which come with proper exercising such as aiding in weight…

FEBRUARY 25, 2021

Beat the Homeschool Blues with Writing

  With the pandemic, school closings, and remote learning still a reality in communities from coast to coast, children are facing challenges like never before. If you need a way to help…

FEBRUARY 3, 2021

How to Help Your Child with Depression Succeed

Guest post by Sam Bowman. We all know that homeschool can be a challenging environment for kids. They’re attempting to engage academically while navigating the difficulties of personal growth…

JANUARY 30, 2021

Tips for Using the Internet in Your Homeschool: Part 1

Meg Phillips, award winning technology developer homeschooling since 2020. Making the most of internet technology in your homeschool starts with a basic understanding of the underlying systems…

JANUARY 27, 2021

Homeschooling and Loving the Middle School Years

Guest post shared by Kimberly, homeschool mom of four. Are you dealing with a middle school learner this year? Sometimes middle school can be tricky. But, as I think back to the middle school…

AUGUST 2, 2018

Homeschool for Free: History/Social Studies

Are you ready to teach your child history or social studies this year? Worried about what to cover, how to know when to do it, or how to make it fun? There is so much more than just memorizing…

JULY 23, 2018

Homeschool for Free: Science

Believe it or not, science is a pretty hot topic amongst homeschoolers! It’s incredibly important to determine your worldview on things such as evolution, creation, and other scientific topics…

JULY 2, 2018

Homeschool For Free: Math

Does teaching math make you wanna pull your hair out? If so, you’re not alone! For many, this is the dealbreaker in their homeschooling career. Since many feel they can’t teach this subject…