
OCTOBER 11, 2021

Top 5 Mistakes in Teaching Children to Read

This post is written and sponsored by R. Kali Woodward, Founder, FUNetix Learning to read is a rite of passage and a basic requirement for good citizenship and good jobs. Unfortunately, too…

SEPTEMBER 15, 2021

Keeping Homeschool Kids Active & Healthy

Guest post by Heidi Rosenberg The emergence of the coronavirus had a devastating effect on so many activities worldwide. It was so bad that schools and offices had to shut down and everyone…


Boosting Social and Emotional Skills

This post is sponsored by Quarto Classroom. There is a very distinct window for kids to develop key social and emotional learning skills, such as learning to make friends, acting selflessly,…


Create a Martial Arts Experience at Home

Adding a martial art unit to your homeschool schedule will fulfill your child’s physical education requirements and it adds a ton of value to your child’s character development. Instead of…

AUGUST 30, 2021

Preparing Your Child to Thrive Mentally

With a new school year beginning and social stress on the rise, it’s important that we set the atmosphere for our kids to not only thrive academically and physically but also mentally.  We…

AUGUST 17, 2021

Supporting Students in Online Socialization

More and more homeschoolers are participating in online learning. Although online school presents an opportunity for many homeschoolers to excel academically, parents and educators are concerned…

JULY 27, 2021

Traveling with an ADHD Child

Guest post by worldschooling mom, Crystal Esteves When leaving to travel the world, our original plan was to visit one country each month, staying in 3-4 different towns, spending a week or…

JULY 22, 2021

One Family’s Greatest Homeschooling Benefit

This post is sponsored by Time4Learning. This blog post was planned about a month ago, but as with everything, life happens. This brings me to the biggest benefit of homeschooling for our…

JULY 9, 2021

Lobbying and Homeschool Rights

Politics is always a touchy subject. The political spectrum is vast and very few of us would land in the same spot. Because of this, some choose to bury their heads in the sand and ignore politics…

JUNE 30, 2021

Boost your Child’s Social Skills with Writing

  Writing isn’t only a skill that’s valued in academics and sought after by employers. It’s also an activity that can build a child’s skills and confidence. When students view…